Religiographies vol.3 n.2
Rivista open-access e peer-reviewed, curata dal Centro Studi di Civiltà e Spiritualità Comparate della Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
Con un approccio interdisciplinare, Religiographies promuove il dialogo tra storici, sociologi, antropologi, filosofi e psicologi su tre temi principali: misticismo, esoterismo e spiritualità.
Religiographies vol.3 n.2
Special Issue: “Reviving Muhyi al-Din: Contemporary Uses of Ibn ʿArabi’s Thought and Reinventions of Islam” edited by Mark J. Sedgwick and Gregory Vandamme
The Many Lives of Ibn ʿArabi’s Thought
[1-5] Editoriale | Mark J. Sedgwick, Aarhus University - Gregory Vandamme, FNRS/UCLouvain
Akbarian Anarchism: Ivan Aguéli (d. 1917) on Islam, Freedom and Shariʿa
[6-24] Articolo | Gregory Vandamme, FNRS/UCLouvain
Ibn ʿArabi between East and West: Henry Corbin and Guénonian Traditionalism
[25-45] Articolo | Hadi Fakhoury, Clare College/University of Cambridge
The Place of Ibn ʿArabi in the Theologico-Political Thought of Ahmad Fardid
[46-63] Articolo | Ahmad Bostani, Kharazmi University - Rasoul Namazi, Duke Kunshan University
The Oceanic Shaykh and the Sea Without Shore: Nuh Keller’s Polemical-Image of Ibn ʿArabi
[64-87] Articolo | Elvira Kulieva, University of Freiburg (Germany)
Re-Spiritualising the World: Ibn ʿArabi in the Thought of Faouzi Skali
[88-102] Articolo | Ricarda Stegmann, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Sufi Metaphysics of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas: Highlighting the Relevance of al-Shaykh al-Akbar for Our Times
[103-127] Articolo | Fadila Ezzat, École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE)
“Looking for Muhyiddin”
[128-136] Heterographies | Nacer Khemir
“Looking for Muhyiddin” (original French version)
[137-145] Heterographies | Nacer Khemir
The Dot and the Saint
[146-157] Heterographies | Michele Petrone - Eyas Alshayeb