Religiographies vol.1 n.1
Edito da: Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia
ISSN 2974-6469
Rivista open-access e peer-reviewed, curata dal Centro Studi di Civiltà e Spiritualità Comparate della Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
Con un approccio interdisciplinare, Religiographies promuove il dialogo tra storici, sociologi, antropologi, filosofi e psicologi su tre temi principali: misticismo, esoterismo e spiritualità.
Religiographies vol.1 n.1
Special Issue: “Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division” edited by Dionigi Albera, Sara Kuehn and Manoël Pénicaud
Introducing Religiographies
[1-13] Editoriale | Francesco Piraino
Religious Sharing, Mixing and Crossing in the Wider Mediterranean
[14-21] Introduzione | Dionigi Albera, Sara Kuehn, and Manoël Pénicaud
Column Transfers, New Buildings, and Textual Strategies: Christians and Muslims in Early Medieval Lydda and Jerusalem
[22-33] Articolo | Mattia Guidetti, University of Bologna
Early Religious Architecture in al-Andalus and its Islamic Context: some Reflections
[34-47] Articolo | Susana Calvo Capilla, Complutense University, Madrid
The Seven Sleepers between Christianity and Islam: from Portraits to Talismans
[48-62] Articolo | Thierry Zarcone, GSRL, CNRS, Paris
Mixed Worship: the Double Cult of Sarı Saltuk and St. Nicholas in the Balkans
[63-81] Articolo | Sara Kuehn, University of Vienna
Miracles and Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Lebanon. The proof is in the Eyes of the Other
[82-95] Articolo | Emma Aubin-Boltanski, CéSOR, CNRS, Paris
A Paradoxical Pilgrimage. The Ghriba Synagogue in Djerba
[96-116] Articolo | Dionigi Albera and Manoël Pénicaud, IDEMEC, CNRS, AMU
Rachid Koraïchi’s Migratory Aesthetics
[117-133] Heterographies | Sara Kuehn, University of Vienna
Writing in Three Dimensions: Heterographies of Shared Sacred Sites
[134-155] Heterographies | Dionigi Albera e Manoël Pénicaud, CNRS, Idemec, Aix-Marseille University
Books Reviews
[156-160] Fabio Giomi, "Making Muslim Women European: Voluntary Associations, Gender and Islam in Post-Ottoman Bosnia and Yugoslavia (1878-1941)" by Gianfranco Bria
Books Reviews
[161-164] Rose Wellman, "Feeding Iran: Shi‘i Families and the Making of the Islamic Republic" by Lynda Clarke