Book presentation Santuzza Calì al Teatro Biondo

On the occasion of Santuzza Calì’s 90th birthday, the Institute of Theatre and Opera joins the celebrations dedicated to the artist with the presentation of the new monographic publication by Maria Ida Biggi, Santuzza Calì.
Arte fantasia colore, published by Silvana editoriale (2024). The meeting will be held at the Teatro Biondo in Palermo on 28 September, on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition that the theatre will dedicate to the artist, and which will feature a selection of images from Santuzza’s theatrical works, of which the originals are now held in the ARCHiVe donated to the Institute in 2022.
The presentation will be attended by Santuzza Calì, Maria Ida Biggi (Ca’Foscari University of Venice and director of the Institute of Theatre and Opera), Lorenzo Salveti (Rome Academy of Dramatic Art), Luigi Piccolo (Sartoria Farani) and Veronica Olmi (Teatro Verde, Rome).