Workshop Research-led Performance: Flute and Guitar in Twentieth Century Music – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Meetings June 2018 Institute of Music

Workshop Research-led Performance: Flute and Guitar in Twentieth Century Music

This workshop marks a new departure in the Research-led Performance series, the Institute of Music’s way of taking an active part in musical life by creating a dialogue between archive research and musical performance. On one hand, performing practice is consolidated thanks to the acquisition of archival research and theoretical study; and on the other hand, scholarly investigations make use of the experience of performing and listening to verify, refine or redefine their own direction in studies. The combination of these activities generates a dynamic new research method. The workshop is the first stage in a joint three-year project with the Research Council at the Hochschule der Künste, Berne. The focus at the workshop will be on works by Castiglioni, Guaccero, Manzoni, Oppo, Romitelli and Togni.

Scholarships will be given to the twenty-four young instrumentalists attending the workshop: eight will come from the Hochschule der Künste, eight from the Venice Conservatory and eight will be selected through a competition. As in the previous editions of Research-led Performance, the event will alternate purely instrumental sessions, coordinated by the flute and guitar teachers, with discussion sessions on archive sources, conducted by the musicologists.

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Gino Severini, Pedrolino et Arlequin, 1958. Collezione privata. © 2018. Adagp Images, Paris / SCALA, Firenze.

Institute of Music

Gianmario Borio