Study Days on Maestro Luigi Squarzina
To mark the donation of Luigi Squarzina’s rich library to the Giorgio Cini Foundation, two Study Days devoted to the director and playwright will be held on 18 and 19 October 2011 Venice.
Consisting of around 5,000 volumes, this library collection put together by one of the great figures in Italian theatre in the second half of the 20th century will be a vital resource for studies on his work as a playwright and translator.
During the Study Days several issues will be addressed concerning the collection of documents and the documentation of the history of theatre as well as how to preserve the memory of artistic activities in the field of stage direction. Papers will be given by Carmelo Alberti, Franca Angelini, Elena Bartoni, Maria Ida Biggi, Silvia Danesi Squarzina,
Paolo Puppa, Elio Testoni, Alessandro Tinterri and Pier Mario Vescovo.
Centro studi per la ricerca documentale sul teatro e il melodramma europeo
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