Fausto Romitelli, schizzo per Professor Bad Trip: Lesson 1, 1998. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Fondo Fausto Romitelli
Fausto Romitelli, schizzo per Professor Bad Trip: Lesson 1, 1998. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Fondo Fausto Romitelli
On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the birth of Fausto Romitelli, who died prematurely in 2004, the Biennale Musica and the Institute of Music are dedicating a study day to the composer’s poetics, which will end with the complete performance of Professor Bad Trip. Issues concerning the
conception of the triptych and the sources of the compositional process, instrumental synthesis and spectral morphology, para-texts and the evocation of a ‘mental cinematography’ and the issues of performance will be addressed.
Participants: Alessandro Arbo, Oliver Korte, Luigi Manfrin, Nicholas Moroz and Jean-Luc Plouvier.
Fausto Romitelli, schizzo per Professor Bad Trip: Lesson 1, 1998. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Fondo Fausto Romitelli
Con il sostegno di Intesa San Paolo