Study Day | Intersections of Music and the Visual Arts in Italy in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Conferences and Seminars November 2023 Institute of Music

Study Day | Intersections of Music and the Visual Arts in Italy in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Giuseppe Chiari, Il pianoforte, litografia. Per gentile concessione di Mario Chiari

The aim of this day, organised by the Institute of Music, is an initial exploration of the relationship between painters and composers in a period rich in innovation in terms of construction techniques and the communicative channels of the arts, for which the terms seriality, informal, kinetic art
and Fluxus have been used. The interdisciplinary imprint of the topic is reflected in the composition of the panel of speakers. Marcello Aitiani will outline how visual artists and musicians come together. Daniela Tortora (Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome) will offer an overview of the cultural
periodicals of the 1960s and ’70s, in particular Marcatré. Patrizio Peterlini’s (Fondazione Bonotto) paper will move from graphic scores to exploring the impact of Fluxus aesthetics on musicians and figurative artists in Italy.
Pietro Misuraca (University of Palermo) will discuss the highlights of the Settimane Internazionali di Nuova Musica in Palermo, in particular the two painting exhibitions at the Galleria d’Arte Moderna (REVORT 1 and REVORT 2) and the magazine Collage. Paolo Somigli (University of Bolzano)
will reconstruct the stages that led to the birth of Gruppo 70, focusing on the role of Giuseppe Chiari, Sylvano Bussotti and Pietro Grossi in the intersection of artistic forms in Florence in the 1960s. Paolo Bolpagni (Fondazione Ragghianti) will investigate the iconic component in the scores of Aldo Clementi and Francesco Pennisi and will present the pictorial activity of Giovanni Pizzo and Lucia Di Luciano, former founders and exponents first of Group 63 and then of Operativo R, who collaborated with Pietro Grossi. The day will end with a concert by the mdi ensemble at the Auditorium “Lo Squero”.

Giuseppe Chiari, Il pianoforte, litografia. Per gentile concessione di Mario Chiari

Institute of Music

Gianmario Borio