International Conference Andrea Schiavone. Painting, printmaking, drawing in the Venice of sixteenth century

Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Although a leading Venetian painter in the sixteenth century, Andrea Meldolla called Schiavone has been rather overlooked by modern critics compared to more celebrated artists, such as Titian or Tintoretto. Born in Zara (Zadar, Croatia) at the beginning of the sixteenth century, Schiavone soon moved to Venice, where he painted significant works for churches and public institutions, such as Sansovino’s Library. He was arguably the most brilliant engraver in Venice in his day. The artist is now the subject of a monographic exhibition intended for the general public, currently on at the Museo Correr, and an international conference to be held from 31 March to 2 April 2016. Organised by the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana together with the Fondazione Giorgio Cini Institute of Art History, this is the first ever conference dedicated to Schiavone and has attracted scholars from Europe and the United States. The conference will provide the opportunity to reconsider and explore further some still uncertain aspects of the biography and the work of this prolific master who was engaged on several fronts of artistic production: painting, engraving and drawing.
Spread over three days, the four conference sessions will be attended by specialists on the subject, who will exchange ideas on issues of attribution, technique, diagnostics and iconography as well as the critical fortune of Schiavone in the art-history literature and collecting. Other themes will include connoisseurship and reception in Italy and Croatia, his homeland.
The conference has been organised by the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana together with Fondazione Giorgio Cini Institute of Art History, Venice