Books at San Giorgio | Antonio Guardi. I Fasti veneziani – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Events May 2024 Institute of Art History

Books at San Giorgio | Antonio Guardi. I Fasti veneziani

On 7 May at 5pm, the volume Antonio Guardi. I Fasti veneziani – edited by Denis Ton and published by Allemandi Editore – will be presented. The album of Antonio Guardi’s ‘Fasti veneziani’ is indeed one of the masterpieces of eighteenth-century Veneto drawing. Depicting episodes from the history of the Serenissima and freely inspired by paintings produced largely in the sixteenth century as part of the decoration of the Doge’s Palace, but not only, the sheets testify to the prodigious metamorphic capabilities of Guardi’s stroke, capable of transforming those models into works of art in their own right, and exemplary of a Venetian path towards the Rococo season. For the first time, the volume extensively reproduces and analyses the drawings in this set that previously belonged to Vittorio Cini’s own collection (and who, with insight and sensitivity, thus grasped their extraordinary value), and examines the others dispersed in numerous museums and collections around the world.


Will present Fabrizio Magani

Will participate Luca Massimo Barbero

Institute of Art History

Luca Massimo Barbero