AVANSCENA FESTIVAL 2016. International Festival of Costume and Set Design – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Events November 2016 Institute of Theatre and Opera

AVANSCENA FESTIVAL 2016. International Festival of Costume and Set Design

From 17 to 19 November, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini will host the fourth edition of Avanscena. International Festival of Costume and Set Design. Organised in collaboration with the Foundation’s Study Centre for Theatre and Opera, the festival will provide a unique opportunity to explore new developments in the field of stage and costume design, with a special focus on the expert artisans who work behind the scenes.

The main theme of this fourth edition is entitled Black Box | Scatola Nera, and as such encapsulates a twofold meaning: it alludes, on one hand, to one of the many ways of referring to the stage and, on the other, to a device capable of storing memories and, if required, reconstructing sequences of the past.

In a rich series of lectures, performances, workshops and roundtables, the many invited experts will explore what underlies and shapes today’s performing arts and theatre. There will be several in-depth sessions plumbing various subjects: from philosophy to aesthetics, the forerunners of film to contemporary cinema, digital stage setting to Italian craft excellence, and painting sets to figure theatre.

Two exhibitions accompanying the main event will provide some extra interest: Video-Indagine 2016 (Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Stanza Eleonora Duse) is a film surveying contemporary theatre as seen by artists, actors, dancers, choreographers and actors attempting to address the question: what is stage design today?

Black Box (Sala del Soffitto, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, and Camera-Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turin) will be an experiment in augmented reality in which the audience-actor relationship may be modulated and weighted in various ways.

Further information

Centro Studi Teatro e Melodramma
Tel. +39 041 2710236
E-mail teatromelodramma@cini.it





Institute of Theatre and Opera

Maria Ida Biggi