Research-led Performance: 20th-Century Compositions for FLUTE and for GUITAR – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
NEWS Alerts April 2018

Research-led Performance: 20th-Century Compositions for FLUTE and for GUITAR

Research-led Performance: 20th-Century Compositions for FLUTE and for GUITAR
International Workshop
27 – 30 June 2018
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice

Call for applications for 8 scholarship participants and 8 auditors


Applications to by 30 April 2018

Coordinators: Gianmario Borio and Lennart Dohms
Commission: Elena Casoli (guitar), Federica Lotti (flute), Florindo Baldissera (guitar) and Martin Fahlenbock (flute)

From 27 to 30 June 2018, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini Institute of Music, Venice, in collaboration with the Hochschule der Künste Bern and the Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello, Venice, has organised a workshop for flutists and guitarists, experienced in performing and with interests in 20th century music.
The Workshop aims to encourage collaboration between composers, musicologists and instrumentalists in performances based on the in-depth study of musical structures, the sources of the compositional process and documentation of historical performances. The study and research context for the course is intended to foster the transmission of an experience of compositional thinking, composers’ poetics and specific instrumental techniques. The repertoire will be based on composers with works for flute and for guitar preserved in the Institute of Music Archives at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice.
The first three days of the Workshop are divided into theoretical morning sessions and musical practice afternoon sessions with a special focus on the compositional methods of Niccolò Castiglioni, Domenico Guaccero, Giacomo Manzoni, Fausto Romitelli and Camillo Togni.
The fourth and last day will be entirely devoted to the practice of music and the participating students will be able to play in a demonstration concert in the afternoon.
The Workshop is part of the “Research-led Performance” series, which is based on the close collaboration between musicologists and performers. On one hand, performance practice is consolidated by taking into account the results of archive research and theoretical studies; and, on the other, scholarly investigation makes use of the experience of performing and listening to verify, refine or redefine its own path. When combined, these joint activities generate a new, dynamic research method.
The instrumental teachers are: Elena Casoli (Hochschule der Künste Bern) and Florindo Baldissera (Conservatorio di Venezia) for guitar, Federica Lotti (Conservatorio di Venezia) and Martin Fahlenbock (Hochschule der Künste Bern) for flute.

The musicological sessions will be led by Gianmario Borio, Angela Carone, Paolo Dal Molin, Susanna Pasticci and Francisco Rocca.

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