Masterclass “The Exploratory: Venice New Music Courses” – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
NEWS Scholarships January 2023

Masterclass “The Exploratory: Venice New Music Courses”

From 24 to 31 July 2023 the Institute for Music presents The Exploratory: Venice New Music Courses, masterclass by  Nicholas Isherwood, Abbie Conant, Roberto Fabbriciani, Joëlle Léandre, Robyn Schulkowsky, Daan Vandewalle, Olga Neuwirth, Gianmario Borio and Ingrid Pustijanac.


The title of this masterclass derives from a statement by Karlheinz Stockhausen:«The problem with music education is that we have conservatories, but we need exploratories». The concept of exploration will guide the event in all its components: instrumental and vocal sound production, group interaction, notation, and the scenic aspects of music making.


The masterclass is addressed to young musicians (singers and instrumentalists) and composers. It will be held at the Cini Foundation on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore and at the Conservatorio “Benedetto Marcello” in Venice from 24 to 31 July 2023.


Application deadline: 1 June 2023


Domanda di partecipazione ExploratoryENG

Institute of Music

Gianmario Borio