Call for applications for 12 workshop scholarships – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
NEWS Contest Notices June 2019

Call for applications for 12 workshop scholarships

Call for applications for 12 workshop scholarships
Deadline for submission of applications: 19 August 2019


The Percussione Crea-Azione Workshop, organised by the Institute of Music of the Giorgio Cini Foundation in collaboration with the Tetraktis Percussion ensemble, is addressed to percussionists with experience in ensembles, orchestras and/or as soloists.

It is also open to composers interested in improving their writing for percussion ensembles and the use of percussions.


A series of theoretical and musical practice sessions will focus on works of three composers whose fonds are preseved in the archive of the Institute of Music:

Giacomo Manzoni, D’improvviso for six/twelve percussionists (1981)

Niccolò Castiglioni, Cronaca del Ducato di Urbino for six percussionists (1991)

Fausto Romitelli, Chorus for six percussionists (2001)


The practice sessions will be led by the Tetraktis Percussion ensemble.


The theory classes will be held by Massimiliano Locanto (University of Salerno), Veniero Rizzardi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and “Cesare Pollini” Conservatory of Music, Padua) and Francisco Rocca (Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice), and moderated by Gianfranco Vinay (Université de Paris 8). The composer Giorgio Battistelli will give a final statement to these sessions.

Research-led Performance: Percussione Crea-Azione Workshop

28 – 30 October 2019 Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice




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Institute of Music

Gianmario Borio