Strategy Innovation Forum “ARTI-FACTS Alla ricerca dell’impresa totale”

Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
plus OCT, 11 2024

Since 2015, SIF – Strategy Innovation Forum – has been bringing together the only Italian think tank on strategic innovation every year in Venice.

Arti-facts. In search of the total enterprise is the theme of SIF 2024 to be held on 11 October 2024 at the ‘Lo Squero’ Auditorium of the Giorgio Cini Foundation on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore.


The Forum involves entrepreneurs, managers, professionals, academics and political figures in order to create and disseminate knowledge and relationships, in favour of the transformation of the entrepreneurial system.
Strategy Innovation Forum was created with the aim of bringing the business world closer to the academic world, making scientific research available to businesses and bringing the topic of innovation, specifically strategic innovation, closer to entrepreneurs.

Each edition of SIF is conducted around a scientific research developed under the scientific direction of Professor Carlo Bagnoli of the Department of Management, and other Departments of Ca’ Foscari University, which analyses the possible impact of social and technological innovations on business models.
Are there similarities between the work of the entrepreneur and that of the artist? And how can the art world be an inspiration for the business world?
To try to answer these questions, SIF 2024 aims to explore the role of the arts as a catalyst for innovation in the corporate landscape.


The first part focuses on the visionary perspective of the arts, exploring how it can shape present, past and future scenarios that will guide businesses in new strategic directions, thus defining their role in a rapidly changing environment.
The second part will explore the link between art, corporate identity and strategic innovation. In particular, by defining the characteristics of the ‘total enterprise’, an attempt will be made to understand how art can become a structural element for change, capable of acting on every dimension of the enterprise and generating cultural and social value.


h 9:30am – 8:30pm | Admission by invitation only