Chameleon a Universal Everything project for the Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
plus SEP, 06 2024

A site-specific project for the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore has been carried out by the famous international collective Universal Everything. The hallmark of their work is the ‘walking figure’: a digital creature that transforms itself by changing matter, colour and texture, and which for this occasion, crosses the spaces of the Island on a visionary walk in very high definition, showcasing the monumental architecture, the art collections – including the paintings, tapestries and the Wedding at Cana – the libraries the woods along with the Vatican Chapels. The digital work, visible online from 9 September, is presented in the ancient Longhena Library and at Deep Space in Linz (Austria) in collaboration with Ars Electronica and S+T+ARTS, a European Commission project.



Venice, Fondazione Giorgio Cini | Baldassarre Longhena Library

5 September 2024 11:00 a.m.

Only for Cini Ambassadors

Only repeat performance


6 September 2024

11am – 6pm

Repeats every 10 minutes

Reserve a seat 

Linz, International Ars Electronica Festival, Deep Space in collaboration with Ars Electronica and S+T+ARTS, a project of the European Commission.

8 September 2024

Only repeat at 11am

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