‘Studi vivaldiani’ Call for contributions

‘Studi vivaldiani’ publishes articles concerning not only Antonio Vivaldi and his musical production, but also musical, cultural, social and historical context in which the Red Priest lived and worked. Submitted articles ‘Studi vivaldiani’, without length limits, can be in Italian, English, German, French or Spanish. Once accepted are reviewed by two readers following the ’double blind’ system, for which reason authors are asked to remove reference to their own name in the article at the time of initial submission (although that name may of course appear in bibliographical references in the footnotes). Contributors are asked to submit articles in Word, but music examples, illustrations and diagrams are most conveniently presented in separate graphic files (PDF, JPG, TIFF etc.). It is the responsibility of contributors to secure prior permission to reproduce privately owned material or material subject to copyright. Regarding styling, contributors are asked to follow the example of articles in the same language published in recent volumes of ‘Studi vivaldiani’, which can be downloaded from here. For accepted articles, authors will be asked to supply in addition a summary of about 300 words for translation into Italian or English as appropriate.

The article files, and any attachments, must be sent to the secretariat of the Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi at the email: segreteria.vivaldi@cini.it