Global Health in the age of AI “Charting a Course for Ethical Implementation and Societal Benefit”

Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia
plus Nov, 0709 2024

This is a three-day symposium assessing the societal implications of AI in healthcare, including issues related to accessibility, inclusivity, and the potential impact on healthcare disparities.


Giorgio Cini Foundation – Venice, 7-9 November 2024


The rationale behind the “Global Health in the Age of AI” symposium is that 2024 is a pivotal year for global AI regulation. The United States has initiated the implementation of the Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence issued by President Biden in October 2023. The European Union member States will adapt to the AI Act’s directives. China and the African Union have also announced independent strategies for AI implementation.


The symposium is structured around a unique approach combining high-level discussions between independent researchers and industry experts. The differentiating method lies in fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration, to address the complex intersection of global health and artificial intelligence (AI) while emphasising ethical considerations and societal impact. By bringing together diverse perspectives, the symposium facilitates a comprehensive exploration of AI applications in healthcare, from diagnosis and treatment to public health interventions. Through discussions and shared expertise, the symposium seeks to chart a course for the ethical implementation of AI technologies in global health, ensuring that innovations prioritise societal and environmental benefits and adhere to ethical standards.



The Fondazione Giorgio Cini is pleased to announce the availability of eight, fully funded fellowships for young researchers interested in attending the three-day symposium “Global Health in the AI Age: Charting a Course for Ethical Implementation and Societal Benefit,” to be held in Venice from November 7th to November 9th, 2024. The deadline for applications is July 15th, 2024.



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