Venini Light | 1921 -1985

By Le Stanze del Vetro

This massive 640-page volume, the most extensive scholarly publication ever to appear on lighting in Murano in the twentieth century, illustrates the work of the Venini glassworks in the area of lighting, on the large to smaller scale, giving an overview of the most significant projects.


More than five hundred entries, accompanied by a considerable body of hitherto mostly unpublished iconographic illustrations, document an unremitting activity made up of numerous projects of historical and cultural importance, among which those carried out in collaboration with Angiolo Mazzoni in the 1930s, the production of the velarium of Palazzo Grassi in Venice in 1951, the large installation by Carlo Scarpa for Italia 61 in Turin, the Fulda theater in Germany in 1978 etc. Finally, a careful selection of works tells of the transformation of Venini lamps, their form and their material.