Music, Writing, Difference – An Interdisciplinary Conference on Adorno’s Theory of Musical Reproduction (Vienna, 3-5 April 2019) is part of the international research project Writing Music, directed by Federico Celestini (Universität Innsbruck), Matteo Nanni (Universität Gießen), Simon Obert (Paul Sacher Stiftung Basel), Nikolaus Urbanek (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien). Work will focus on the relationship between notation and sound production, a major subject in Adorno’s unfinished book Towards a Theory of Musical Reproduction.
This text will be also a key topic at the conference The Mediations of Music: Theodor W. Adorno’s Critical Musicology Today(Siena, 21-23 November 2019), coordinated by Gianmario Borio with the support of Stefano Jacoviello, Nicola Sani and Stefano Velotti. The relationship between sign and sound will be investigated along with the mediations of music that mechanical reproduction and electronic technologies have made possible.