The pervasive “digital revolution” is one of the most topical phenomena of our age and has brought about profound changes in social, cultural, medical and scientific terms. Each stage of our life is undergoing deep transformations as traditional roles and phases evolve, while the greater human-machine collaboration may have largely unexplored consequences.
The twelfth edition of the World Conference on the Future of Science will attempt to reveal the secrets of the digital age. From 22 to 24 September, some of the world’s leading experts on science will gather on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice to discuss the most pressing issues arising from this revolution. They will express their own points of view on questions of crucial importance for the destiny of our society before an audience of scientists, philosophers, theologians, industrialists, politicians, economists, journalists, students and Others interested in the social, economic and political consequences of continuous scientific progress.
The “Future of Science” is a series of annual international conferences jointly organised by the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, the Fondazione Silvio Tronchetti Provera, and the Fondazione Giorgio Cini. The aim of the conferences is to examine the importance of scientific development as a mean of improving the quality of our lives and to delineate a new role for science in the society of the third millennium. The underlying idea arises from an awareness that the problems and dilemmas generated by unrelenting scientific and technological progress are not being adequately discussed in terms of their social, economic and cultural consequences, while society seems to be ill-informed about the ongoing technological revolution and its short- and long-term implications.