Giambattista Crosato. Pittore del Rococò europeo

By Institute of Art History
Denis Ton
Scripta Edizioni, Verona

Giambattista Crosato (1697-1758) was a painter, fresco artist and stage designer, active in Venice and Savoyard Piedmont. He worked on some of the great landmarks of 18thcentury European visual culture: from the Stupinigi Royal Hunting Lodge to the salone of the Ca’ Rezzonico and various Venetian Villas. A painter of panels for boiseries and large fresco cycles, Crosato was one of the great Venetians in his day, the artist who best interpreted international Rococo in a personal key. At the same time he dialogued with the Piedmont culture in the age of Beaumont and Giaquinto and produced painting that was “resolute and bizarre” – to quote his contemporaries. As such, he was one of the few to offer an alternative to the great manner of the genius of the century – Giambattista Tiepolo.

This is the first monograph with a catalogue raisonné of the paintings.