President of the Foundation from 10 February 1953 to 1976
Angelo Spanio was born in 1892. He studied medicine in Padua under Lucatello and Frugoni, was a full professor of clinical medicine and medical pathology, and became chief of staff at the city hospital in Venice from 1938 on.
Well-known and highly esteemed by his fellow citizens, he spoke French and German and had a solid classical background. He was mayor of Venice from 1951 to 1955 and, as such, was one of the early members of the General Council. He was close with Vittorio Cini, who trusted him completely, and he knew the Foundation well, taking its interests to heart as part of the wealth of his beloved city.
Upon Barbantini’s death, Giovanni Ponti proposed that Spanio be designated the Foundation’s new president. The nomination was ratified by the Council on 10 February 1953. (In 1954 Spanio was also nominated President of the Venice Biennale.)
In 1955, under Spanio’s leadership, the Culture and Civilisation Centre became an autonomous entity. Its President, Francesco Carnelutti, was renowned jurist, professor and highly acclaimed lawyer, who in those years had reached a strongly mystical and religious vision of life.
Angelo Spanio died in 1976.