La giovinezza di Tintoretto – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
PUBLICATIONS Essay September 2017 Institute of Art History

La giovinezza di Tintoretto

La giovinezza di Tintoretto
Edited by Michel Hochmann, Guillaume Cassegrain, Augusto Gentili and Valentina Sapienza
Fondazione Giorgio Cini / Lineadacqua Edizioni, Venice, 2017


To mark the fifth centenary of Jacopo Tintoretto’s birth, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini Institute of Art History has published the proceedings of a conference devoted to the great Venetian artist, one of the most original interpreters of the Mannerist period.
In line with a rich tradition of studies on Veneto art and continuing research going back to Rodolfo Pallucchini’s seminal studies, the Institute wished to contribute to the Tintoretto celebrations – ahead of the anniversary in 2018 – by engaging in critical reflection capable of fully rendering the cultural and artistic complexity of his youthful period. It seemed important to make a practical institutional contribution on the scene of art-historical studies by hosting an international symposium (28-29 May 2015) and then publishing the papers, collected here according to the themes defined during the event. The book thus presents the salient features that animated the exchanges between scholars: the redefinition of Tintoretto’s youth style, a detailed investigation of the historical documentary contexts, and some suggested new iconographic and iconological interpretations. Following the publication of a book on Paolo Veronese, this is the second part of a project which, in line with the Institute’s distinguished history, has taken the form of a series dedicated to conference proceedings, presented in 2016 with a new aesthetic and graphic design, produced by Lineadacqua Edizioni.

Institute of Art History

Luca Massimo Barbero