Workshop Japanese Calligraphy – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Events December 2019 Comparative Studies of Civilisations and Spiritualities

Workshop Japanese Calligraphy

The Shodo workshop (Japanese calligraphy), intended for Ca ’Foscari Japanese students and all lovers of Japanese culture and visual arts will be inaugurated with an introductory lecture by professors Bonaventura Ruperti and Silvia Vesco.

A workshop led by Master Norio Nagayama, director of the Bokushin School of Oriental Calligraphy, will follow.



3pm –  4pm

Introductory lecture with Bonaventura Ruperti e Silvia Vesco (Università Ca’ Foscari)


4pm – 4.15pm
Coffee break


4:15pm – 7pm
Workshop with Master Norio Nagayama


Places are limited, to register send an email to: indicating name, surname, affiliation. The e-mail must be nominative, multiple registrations are not accepted.

Comparative Studies of Civilisations and Spiritualities

Francesco Piraino