Workshop Research-led Performance Harmony and Form in the String Quartets of John Cage, Bruno Maderna, and Giacomo Manzoni – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Meetings October 2021 Institute of Music

Workshop Research-led Performance Harmony and Form in the String Quartets of John Cage, Bruno Maderna, and Giacomo Manzoni

Johan van Hell, String Quartet, 1932.

The Istituto per la Musica, in collaboration with mdi ensemble, organizes a new Workshop of the Research-led Performance cycleHarmony and Form in the String Quartets of John Cage, Bruno Maderna, and Giacomo Manzoni.


The workshop is aimed at already formed string quartets (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello).

The works will take place at Fondazione Giorgio Cini on the Island od San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice 2- 3  October 2021.


The following compositions will be discussed in theoretical and practical sessions:


– John Cage, String Quartet in Four Parts

– Giacomo Manzoni, Musica per Pontormo (Secondo Quartetto)

– Bruno Maderna, Quartetto in due tempi

Johan van Hell, String Quartet, 1932.

Institute of Music

Gianmario Borio