Johan van Hell, String Quartet, 1932.
Johan van Hell, String Quartet, 1932.
The Istituto per la Musica, in collaboration with mdi ensemble, organizes a new Workshop of the Research-led Performance cycle: Harmony and Form in the String Quartets of John Cage, Bruno Maderna, and Giacomo Manzoni.
The workshop is aimed at already formed string quartets (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello).
The works will take place at Fondazione Giorgio Cini on the Island od San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice 2- 3 October 2021.
The following compositions will be discussed in theoretical and practical sessions:
– John Cage, String Quartet in Four Parts
– Giacomo Manzoni, Musica per Pontormo (Secondo Quartetto)
– Bruno Maderna, Quartetto in due tempi
Johan van Hell, String Quartet, 1932.
Con il sostegno di Intesa San Paolo