VISI di Alessandro Mendini

Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia
plus Mar, 19Jun, 16 2024

From 19 March to 16 June 2024, an exhibition at the Manica Lunga Library of the Giorgio Cini Foundation pays homage to one of Italy’s most famous designers. A focus on the face as a design matrix anticipates the major retrospective opening at the Milan Triennale on 13 April. Curated by Aldo Colonetti and Archivio Alessandro Mendini.


Thirteen objects and six drawings by Alessandro Mendini make up the core of a precious and unexpected exhibition project hosted in the Nuova Manica Lunga Library of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice, offering a tribute to one of the most famous Italian designers.


Staged in collaboration with the Archivio Alessandro Mendini and Codiceicona, this exhibition is dedicated to Mendini’s research around the power of the body as the matrix of design. It is simply entitled VISI (‘Faces’), for it is indeed the face that forms the focus of this collection of works created between 1987 and 2018, underlining how it has long been a precious source in design research.


VISI by Alessandro Mendini will be open to the public upon reservation at