Seminar Islamic Ethics and Morality between Religion and Law

Organised in collaboration with Professor Ida Zilio-Grandi (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice), the seminar sets out to make a thorough survey of Islamic ethics and morality. It will specifically tackle the delicate issue of H. udūd (literally limitations, restrictions, or definitions), which is most commonly used to indicate crimes against religion and whose punishment is already decreed by the sacred texts with no room for human discretion.
The topic will be approached from various points of view: Deborah Scolart (University of Tor Vergata, Rome) will address legal aspects; Olga Lizzini (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) will deal with the philosophical side; Ida Zilio-Grandi will look at the moral dimension; Antonella Ghersetti (Ca’ Foscari) will explore the issue in the literary world; Francesca Ersilia (L’Orientale, Naples) will consider it in relation to the socio-economic context; Caterina Bori (University di Bologna) will look at historical-political aspects; Roberta Ricucci (Università di Torino) the sociological aspects, and, lastly, Samuela Pagani (University of Salento) will frame the question within Sufism.
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