Fausto Melotti, Scultura G (Nove cerchi), 1967, © Archivio Fausto Melotti
Fausto Melotti, Scultura G (Nove cerchi), 1967, © Archivio Fausto Melotti
A Symposium organized by Gianmario Borio, Pascal Decroupet and Christoph Neidhöfer
This symposium cross-examines different concepts of harmony in selected instrumental, vocal and electroacoustic music composed in the first three postwar decades. The program features individual presentations on the construction and historical context of the harmonic language of particular composers, and concludes with a plenary roundtable discussion. Each presenter will respond to a catalog of questions that serves as point of reference towards the larger goal of the symposium. Our objective is (1) to understand harmony in its many manifestations across stylistic boundaries, (2) to tease out commonalities and differences in the harmonic languages of composers representing a shared school or common aesthetic, (3) to uncover harmonic concepts shared by music of different styles and aesthetics, (4) to review and coordinate the terminology on harmonic concepts to facilitate comparative study, and (5) to test the hypothesis of a history of musical composition along the lines of harmonic concepts.
Download brochure New Concepts of Harmony
28 June 7pm
Fausto Melotti, Scultura G (Nove cerchi), 1967, © Archivio Fausto Melotti
Con il sostegno di Intesa San Paolo