Music Theory and Performance Workshop Harmony and Form in the String Quartets of Niccolò Castiglioni, Bruno Maderna and Giacomo Manzoni

This workshop is part of the three-year project Concepts of Harmony in Musical Composition: 1945- 1975, coordinated by Gianmario Borio, Pascal Decroupet and Christoph Neidhöfer, and funded by the Ernst von Siemens-Musikstiftung. It is the first practical step in the theoretical path undertaken by a research group in events held in Venice and Boston in 2019. The theme concerns the repercussions of the study of compositional sources (especially those concerning harmonic structures) on performance practice.
The workshop will be held in close collaboration with the musicians of the mdi ensemble and is an educational opportunity for young performers who will be hosted following a call for participants. The objects of study are works by two composers whose collections are preserved at the Institute of Music: Castiglioni’s Romanze for string quartet and Musica per Pontormo (Secondo Quartetto) by Manzoni. There will also be a focus on Maderna’s Quartetto in due tempi to mark the centenary of the composer’s birth.