Books at San Vio. //AAA TAC e AAM TAC

plus DEC, 18 2007

This time, a double, multimedia presentation take place, focused on music and movie perodicals “AAA TAC” (Acoustical Arts and Artifacts. Technology, Aesthetics, Communication), devoted to sound communication, music production and re-production, and “AAM TAC” (Arts and Artifacts in Movies. Technology, Aesthetics, Communication) focused on research of arts and artefacts of movie production through research in the field of technology, aesthetics and communications.
The periodicals are presented by Fabrizio Borin and Veniero Rizzardi, both from Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. The editorial director of the periodicals, Giovanni Morelli, also participates.
Moreover, some of the themes of the future 2008 issues are introduced.

Acoustical Arts and Artifacts.Technology, Aesthetics,Communication
An International Journal 3, 2006
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, Pisa – Rome

Arts and Artifacts in Movie.Technology, Aesthetics, Communication
An International Journal 3, 2006
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, Pisa – Rome

Gallery of Palazzo Cini at San Vio, Venice
18 December 2007, 17.30

Editorial office
tel. +39 041 2710202