Books at san Giorgio – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Events November 2023 Antonio Vivaldi Institute

Books at san Giorgio

November sees the resumption of the encounters of Libri a San Giorgio, the cycle of presentations dedicated to the Fondazione Giorgio Cini’s new publications, now at its eighteenth edition.


The first presentation, on 15 November, is devoted to Studi Vivaldiani, the annual journal of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini’s Italian Antonio Vivaldi Institute. The journal, published since 1980 and distributed worldwide, contains articles on the life and musical production of Antonio Vivaldi, as
well as on the musical, cultural, social and historical context in which the
‘Red Priest’ lived and worked.

The second event, on 25 January 2024, will feature the presentation of The Mediations of Music. Critical Approaches after Adorno. This book grew out of an event by the Accademia Musica le Chigiana on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Adorno’s death (2019). The authors discuss problematic
junctures in the philosopher’s thought and show its potential. In any chapters, the opposite mediation – immediacy – which often plays a key role in mediation processes, is brought into play.

In the last event, on 9 February 2024, Egisto Macchi: The Assassination of Trotsky: Sources of the Creative Process, Marco Cosci (ed.), published by Brepols, will be presented, tracing Egisto Macchi’s creative process for the soundtrack of The Assassination of Trotsky directed by Joseph Losey (1972). Through a careful reading of the sources preserved in the Egisto Macchi archive at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini Institute of Music, and at the Joseph Losey Collection and the British Film Institute (London), the book sheds light on the initial partnership between Losey and Macchi, which continued over the following years
for the film Mr. Klein (1976).


Programme Concert
Egisto Macchi (1928-1992)
Voci (1963) versione per 8 cantanti

Egisto Macchi
da Repliche di Bruna (1988) per soprano e pianoforte
n. 2 Colore d’ombra
Soprano Teresa Varelli
Pianoforte Cinzia D’Anella

Egisto Macchi
da A(lter)Ac(tion) (1966)
Cadenza per voce sola
Mezzosoprano Virginia Guidi

Egisto Macchi
da Il mestiere della Pace (1958) per baritono e pianoforte
n. 1 Il cimitero
Baritono Niccolò Panigutti
Pianoforte Cinzia D’Anella

Domenico Guaccero (1927-1984)
Esercizio per 8 voci (1980)

Giacinto Scelsi (1905-1988)
Tre Canti Sacri per otto voci miste (1958)
I. Angelus Domini
II. Requiem aeternam
III. Gloria in excelsis Deo



EVO Ensemble:
Teresa Varelli – soprano
Veronica Bartolomei – soprano
Cinzia D’Anella – mezzosoprano e pianoforte
Vittoria De Vincentiis – contralto
José Gabriel Falla Obando – tenore
Edoardo De Vincentiis – tenore
Alessandro Cavazzani – baritono
Niccolò Panigutti – baritono
Virginia Guidi – mezzosoprano, coordinamento e direzione

Italian Antonio Vivaldi Institute

Francesco Fanna