Books at San Giorgio

8, 22 AND 29 NOVEMBER 2018
Books at San Giorgio, a series of meetings presenting the latest publications concerning or
published by the Fondazione Cini, will resume this autumn.
The featured book on the first date, 8 November, is Giada Viviani’s Nino Rota: La dolce
vita. Sources of the Creative Process, the first volume in “The Composer’s Workshop”, a series
edited by Gianmario Borio. The book reconstructs the most significant phases of the composition
process of the music written by Nino Rota for Federico Fellini’s film La dolce vita, as well
as describing the close relationship between the two artists. The launch will end with a concert
by the flautist Federica Lotti.
The second meeting, on 22 November, will focus on the book Andrea Schiavone. Pittura incisione
disegno nella Venezia del Cinquecento edited by Chiara Callegari and Vincenzo Mancini. This
work brings together papers discussed during the international conference on Andrea Schiavone
and 16th-century Venetian art, held in spring 2016 at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini and in the
monumental rooms of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana. Scholars and experts have brought
to light unpublished aspects of the production of the great master from Dalmatia and explored
his intellectual and artistic complexity from the point of view of a critical profile, as well as his
unique role as a catalyst on the complex artistic scene at the height of the Cinquecento.
Lastly, the launch on 29 November features Shakespeare all’Opera. Riscritture e allestimenti di
“Romeo e Giulietta” edited by Maria Ida Biggi and Michele Girardi. The book contains the collected
proceedings of the international conference on productions of Romeo and Juliet, held at
the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in April 2018. Musicologists, historians of theatre and playwrights
analysed the contexts for the musical productions of Shakespeare’s play, which has inspired
librettists and composers from the early 17th century to the present day.