A Guest at the Palazzo. Warsaw, Church of the Holy Cross by Bernardo Bellotto

Palazzo Cini. La Galleria

After the exhibition of Artemisia Gentileschi’s painting depicting Cleopatra, the second appointment of the year of the Guest at the Palazzo exhibition initiative – which features the presentation of masterpieces on loan from Italian and international collections and museums – showcases the canvas
depicting the Warsaw, Church of the Holy Cross, one of Bernardo Bellotto’s most famous works. The painting, created by the Venetian artist for Warsaw Castle in the final years of his Polish sojourn, almost at the end of his career, comes to Palazzo Cini on the occasion of the loan of the panel portraying Sandro Botticelli’s Judgment of Paris to the exhibition Memoria dell’Antico e il primo Rinascimento, which is being held simultaneously at the Warsaw Castle Museum.

The initiative has been made possible thanks to the cooperation and support of Assicurazioni Generali.