Call for applications 8th Workshop Research-led Performance – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
NEWS marzo 2024

Call for applications 8th Workshop Research-led Performance

Composer – Instrument – Performer Violoncello Solo in the Second Half of the 20th Century


The workshop is aimed at young cellists with a strong ability to understand and interpret research and experimental music. The program includes both practical and theoretical sessions, as well as a final concert featuring performances by a select group of workshop participants. The practical sessions will be led by Lucas Fels, while the theoretical sessions, open to the public, will be given by musicologists Gianmario Borio (Director of the Institute of Music and Professor at the University of Pavia), Francisco Rocca (scientific collaborator at the Institute of Music) and Francesca Scigliuzzo (doctoral student at the University of Udine).


The workshop will take place at Fondazione Giorgio Cini on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy, from 3 to 6 December 2024.


Applications must be submitted via email ( no later than 25th October 2024.


Call Call for applications WorkshopVioloncelloBandoING_DEF (dec)


Istituto per la Musica

Gianmario Borio