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Shakespeare in Venice Summer School. The Shylock Project
After the success in the summer of 2015, the Study Center Theatre and Opera, in collaboration with the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice and with the sponsorship of the Committee for the five hundredth anniversary of the Ghetto of Venice, organizes the second edition of the Shakespeare in Venice Summer School. The program will be divided over two weeks of intensive studies with a number of events open to the public, and will be attended by internationally renowned experts and teachers. The Summer School is part of the European project Shakespeare and beyond the Ghetto: staging Europe across cultures, involving several international partners, including Warwick University, Queen Mary University of London, Ludwig – Maximilians – Universität München, Tony Bulandra Theatre.
The course includes the participation of internationally renowned teachers such as:
Jerry Brotton, David Bryant, Tom Cartelli, Fernando Cioni, Karin Coonrod, Tobias Döring, Paul Edmondson, Tibor Fabiny, Stephen Greenblatt, Diana Henderson, David Scott Kastan, Carol Chillington Rutter, David Schalkwyk, James Shapiro, Boika Sokolova, Stanley Wells
Directors: Maria Ida Biggi and Shaul Bassi
The Summer School will be held to coincide with a performance of The Merchant of Venice, by the Compagnia de ‘ Colombari , set in the Venetian Ghetto and promoted to celebrate the four hundred years after William Shakespeare’s death and the five hundred years of the creation of the ghetto itself.
Below you can find the list of the events that are open to the public
Public Events
Tuesday 19th of July
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Sala Barbantini, h. 3.30 pm
Screening of Orson Welles’ The Merchant of Venice (1969)
Luca Giuliani, Presentation of the Restored Version
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Auditorium “Lo Squero”, h. 6.00 pm
Concert Where is Fancy Bred?
Rosemary Forbes Butler, Gianluca Geremia & Marco Rosa Salva
Friday 22nd of July
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Sala Barbantini, h. 5.30 pm
Diana Henderson, 2016 and Beyond: MIT’s Global Shakespeares Performance Archive
Monday 25th of July
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Sala Barbantini
h. 4.00 pm– Paul Edmondson, Christianity and the Merchant
h. 5.30 pm – Stanley Wells, Shylocks
Tuesday 26th of July
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Sala Barbantini, h. 5.00 pm
Book Launch: Howard Jacobson, Shylock is My Name
For further information: shylockproject@cini.it
Il Mercante di Venezia in Ghetto: www.themerchantinvenice.org