Music-Dance: Sound and Motion in Contemporary Discourse and Practice – Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Meetings July 2015 Institute of Music

Music-Dance: Sound and Motion in Contemporary Discourse and Practice

Oskar Schlemmer, Tänzerin (Die Geste), 1922-23. Pinakothek der Moderne, München
© 2015. Foto Scala, Firenze/bpk, Bildagentur füer Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Berlin (detail)

Conference organized by Gianmario Borio, Patrizia Veroli and Gianfranco Vinay

Principles, methodologies, and performance practices involving music and dance have opened new areas of research since the early twentieth century. In investigating this multifaceted field, a plurality of disciplines must be addressed and interconnected. The conference’s central issues include the identity of the choreomusical work, its complex authorship and the concept of embodiment. Scholars of dance and music will produce multiple dialogues, attempting to analyse not only the ways in which the musical score changes its prescriptive status when becoming part of a choreomusical project,  but also the encounter between sound and motion on stage, the construction of a sensorial stratification, and the intersection of listening and sight in the act of reception.

This conference will take place as part of the celebrations for thirtieth anniversary of the Institute of Music, and it’s the main event of the series Music among the Performing Arts.

The conference will open with the keynote lectures of the choreographer Dominique Brun and the composer Alvin Curran. The participants at the conference are: Susan Broadhurst, Antonio Camurri, Jonathan Owen Clark, Eric Clarke, Inger Damsholt, Nicolas Donin, Susanne Franco, Nikša Gligo, Rolf Inge Godøy, Claudia Jeschke, Stephanie Jordan, Massimiliano Locanto, Ulrich Mosch, Marina Nordera, Julie Perrin, Dee Reynolds, Julia H. Schrӧeder, Stephanie Schroedter, Emanuele Senici, Lawrence Zbikowski.

On July 10th at 6.30pm, John Irving will play Sonatas of Joseph Haydn on the Mathias Jakesch fortepiano (1823), owned by the Fondazione Giorgio Cini: Sonata in A-flat major Hob XVI:46, Sonata in B-flat minor Hob XVI:32, Sonata in G major Hob XVI:40 and Sonata in E-flat major Hob XVI:49.

Download the pdf with the programme  Music-Dance: Sound and Motion in Contemporary Discourse and Practice

Institute of Music

Gianmario Borio